Iseng-iseng klo ga ada kerjaan dan ga ada yang rame-rame amat di internet, saya sekali-sekali suka buka untuk talk to stranger. Klo beruntung bisa dapet temen chat yang baik, pintar dan menyenangkan. Karena ini sistemnya acak dan kita sama sekali saling tidak tau data diri, seems like mIRC tapi lebih global dan sangat acak tersebar di seluruh dunia. Jadi harus hati-hati juga. Orang di barat sana kan kadang ada beberapa yang iseng dan mesum. Ya mesum sekali. Dan itu sangat tidak menyenangkan, jadi berdoalah dahulu untuk mencoba situs ini. Hehehe..
Dan ada hal yang sering tidak menyenangkan adalah jika kita memperkenalkan diri dari Indonesia kadang ada yang suka langsung memaki dengan bahasa Inggris tentunya atau langsung tidak mau melanjutkan chat. Memangnya salah apa kami sebagai bangsa Indonesia? Aneh! Karena beberapa kejadian itu, saya sempat berdiskusi dengan seorang wanita dari Amerika dan menanyakan perihal mengenai Indonesia, dan dia berkata tidak ada yang bermasalah dengan orang-orang Indonesia, hanya beberapa orang saja yang termakan isu.
Beberapa orang baik yang waktu itu sempat chat dengan saya ada dari Skotlandia, Kanada, India, China, Korea, Brazil dan ada beberapa orang yang saya lupa dari mana. Nah, ada hal yang menarik waktu tidak sengaja berchat ria bersama Vicksa, seorang wanita dari Brazil. Dia langsung menawarkan diri untuk mengajarkan saya bahasa Portugis, meskipun kilat namun cukup membuat saya sedikit tersenyum mesam mesem :D
Di bawah ini adalah kutipan percakapan kami tanpa sensor loooooh.. :)
*Stranger=Vicksa; You=Neng Iim
Stranger: Hello
You: hello
Stranger: como estás?
Stranger: how are you?
You: fine, and u?
Stranger: me too thanks
Stranger: where are you from?
You: indonesia
You: you?
Stranger: Brazil
Stranger: how r u???
Stranger: the seaquake was terrible
You: yes...
You: u know indonesia?
Stranger: just on TV, for news of there
You: okey... so you watch the news about the tsunami in Aceh?
Stranger: yeah
You: what the meaning of como estás??
Stranger: how are you
You: ooh.. yes i understand
Stranger: do you want leanr a little of portuguese?
Stranger: learn*
You: yes..
You: absolutly
Stranger: okay
Stranger: Hi = oi
Stranger: hello = olá
Stranger: bye = tchau
Stranger: and = e
You: great.. cool
You: :)
Stranger: cool = legal
Stranger: yes = sim
Stranger: no = não
You: "you are so nice" ?
Stranger: você é muito legal
You: what is the different of ê and é??
Stranger: I = eu
you = você
He = ele
She = ela
It = ela/ela
we = nós
they = eles (male) elas (female)
Stranger: the pronunciation is diferent
You: oooh..
You: yes i know, wow great..
You: :)
Stranger: I am = eu sou / estou
you are = você é / está
he is = ele é / está
she is = ela é / está
it is = ele OR ela é / está
you are = vocês são / estão
we are = nós somos / estamos
they are = eles OR elas são / estão
Stranger: can u understand?
You: little bit
You: hehehe..
You: thank you..
You: você é muito legal
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: thanks = obrigada (to female) obrigado (to male)
Stranger: você está writing?
Stranger: are you writing?
Stranger: write - escrever
Stranger: all the verbs finish with "R"
Stranger: so, you remove the R and put the "NDO"
Stranger: NDO = ING
You: so how do I say thanks to you??? in portuguese
I do not know you were male or female
Stranger: exemple: escrever ------> escrevendo
Stranger: are you girl?
You: yes..
Stranger: so, u need use OBRIGADA
You: okey...
You: obrigada.. :)
Stranger: did u understand the NDO?
You: no..
Stranger: okay: you are learnING
Stranger: você está aprendeNDO
Stranger: learn - aprender
Stranger: u remove the R and put the NDO
You: yeah... I understand now
Stranger: it's the same of ING
You: so if you wear ndo become a verb?
Stranger: become?
You: i mean the word turned into a verb?
Stranger: it's simple: all the verbs in portuguese finish with R. so, is just u remove the R and put the NDO in the end of the word
Stranger: comer - eat
dançar - dance
beber - drink
andar - walk
cantar - sing
Stranger: comeNDO - eatING
dançaNDO - DancING
BebeNDO - drinkING
andaNDO - walkING
cantaNDO - singING
You: okey.. i understand now..
You: great..
Stranger: it's very easy isn't it??
You: yes..
You: :)
Stranger: sim
You: sim?
Stranger: yes = sim
Stranger: I told you
Stranger: so, I need lunch right now....
You: okey..
You: nice to talk to u..
Stranger: same
You: obrigada..
Stranger: do u have e-mail?
You: yes..
Stranger: vicksakua@hotmail
Stranger: add me
Stranger: tchau
You: r u female?
Stranger: sim
You: tchau
You: female too
You: my name is irma
Stranger: I know
Stranger: nice to meet u
Stranger: tchau
You: bye..
Setelah perbincangan ini saya langsung ngakak! Gakgakgak.....
Dan ada hal yang sering tidak menyenangkan adalah jika kita memperkenalkan diri dari Indonesia kadang ada yang suka langsung memaki dengan bahasa Inggris tentunya atau langsung tidak mau melanjutkan chat. Memangnya salah apa kami sebagai bangsa Indonesia? Aneh! Karena beberapa kejadian itu, saya sempat berdiskusi dengan seorang wanita dari Amerika dan menanyakan perihal mengenai Indonesia, dan dia berkata tidak ada yang bermasalah dengan orang-orang Indonesia, hanya beberapa orang saja yang termakan isu.
Beberapa orang baik yang waktu itu sempat chat dengan saya ada dari Skotlandia, Kanada, India, China, Korea, Brazil dan ada beberapa orang yang saya lupa dari mana. Nah, ada hal yang menarik waktu tidak sengaja berchat ria bersama Vicksa, seorang wanita dari Brazil. Dia langsung menawarkan diri untuk mengajarkan saya bahasa Portugis, meskipun kilat namun cukup membuat saya sedikit tersenyum mesam mesem :D
Di bawah ini adalah kutipan percakapan kami tanpa sensor loooooh.. :)
*Stranger=Vicksa; You=Neng Iim
Stranger: Hello
You: hello
Stranger: como estás?
Stranger: how are you?
You: fine, and u?
Stranger: me too thanks
Stranger: where are you from?
You: indonesia
You: you?
Stranger: Brazil
Stranger: how r u???
Stranger: the seaquake was terrible
You: yes...
You: u know indonesia?
Stranger: just on TV, for news of there
You: okey... so you watch the news about the tsunami in Aceh?
Stranger: yeah
You: what the meaning of como estás??
Stranger: how are you
You: ooh.. yes i understand
Stranger: do you want leanr a little of portuguese?
Stranger: learn*
You: yes..
You: absolutly
Stranger: okay
Stranger: Hi = oi
Stranger: hello = olá
Stranger: bye = tchau
Stranger: and = e
You: great.. cool
You: :)
Stranger: cool = legal
Stranger: yes = sim
Stranger: no = não
You: "you are so nice" ?
Stranger: você é muito legal
You: what is the different of ê and é??
Stranger: I = eu
you = você
He = ele
She = ela
It = ela/ela
we = nós
they = eles (male) elas (female)
Stranger: the pronunciation is diferent
You: oooh..
You: yes i know, wow great..
You: :)
Stranger: I am = eu sou / estou
you are = você é / está
he is = ele é / está
she is = ela é / está
it is = ele OR ela é / está
you are = vocês são / estão
we are = nós somos / estamos
they are = eles OR elas são / estão
Stranger: can u understand?
You: little bit
You: hehehe..
You: thank you..
You: você é muito legal
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: thanks = obrigada (to female) obrigado (to male)
Stranger: você está writing?
Stranger: are you writing?
Stranger: write - escrever
Stranger: all the verbs finish with "R"
Stranger: so, you remove the R and put the "NDO"
Stranger: NDO = ING
You: so how do I say thanks to you??? in portuguese
I do not know you were male or female
Stranger: exemple: escrever ------> escrevendo
Stranger: are you girl?
You: yes..
Stranger: so, u need use OBRIGADA
You: okey...
You: obrigada.. :)
Stranger: did u understand the NDO?
You: no..
Stranger: okay: you are learnING
Stranger: você está aprendeNDO
Stranger: learn - aprender
Stranger: u remove the R and put the NDO
You: yeah... I understand now
Stranger: it's the same of ING
You: so if you wear ndo become a verb?
Stranger: become?
You: i mean the word turned into a verb?
Stranger: it's simple: all the verbs in portuguese finish with R. so, is just u remove the R and put the NDO in the end of the word
Stranger: comer - eat
dançar - dance
beber - drink
andar - walk
cantar - sing
Stranger: comeNDO - eatING
dançaNDO - DancING
BebeNDO - drinkING
andaNDO - walkING
cantaNDO - singING
You: okey.. i understand now..
You: great..
Stranger: it's very easy isn't it??
You: yes..
You: :)
Stranger: sim
You: sim?
Stranger: yes = sim
Stranger: I told you
Stranger: so, I need lunch right now....
You: okey..
You: nice to talk to u..
Stranger: same
You: obrigada..
Stranger: do u have e-mail?
You: yes..
Stranger: vicksakua@hotmail
Stranger: add me
Stranger: tchau
You: r u female?
Stranger: sim
You: tchau
You: female too
You: my name is irma
Stranger: I know
Stranger: nice to meet u
Stranger: tchau
You: bye..
Setelah perbincangan ini saya langsung ngakak! Gakgakgak.....
bahasa garut ia :P hahahah............@@!!!!!! mantap2 dah lanjutkan perjuangan mu :D
BalasHapushahahahha.. bahasa baduy eta teh :p
BalasHapusya akan saya lanjutkan mencari link di luar negeri. sugan we ada yang mau menampung saya kalo nyasab di sana. hahahha..
ia ada ko,, mau di antarkan ke papua, biar bisa pake koteka :P wkwkwkwkw...... =))
BalasHapusmantap gurih pan :D
papua mah msh wilayah indonesia.. asiiiik tar diajak k lembah baliem ya :D
BalasHapusah paling di cemplungkan di pulau seribu :D.... kalau dah gitu di ambil lagi ah lebar :D
wahwahwahwah.. maen cemplang cemplung aj ni :p
BalasHapusmana diambil lg deuih.. euh nya ntar dimakan hiu..
seru tuh ... hehehe sempet punya cowo orang brazil, ida gak bisa bahasa inggris aku ga bisa bahasa portuguese. jadi. aku belajar banyak dr temen2 brazilku dan dari dia :)
BalasHapusportugues itu really nice
waaaah senangnya punya pacar beda negara, pasti rame tuh kalo ngobrol. hehehe.. perjuangan belajar bahasa portugese demi sang pacar ya? keren :)
Hapussaya ijin copy.thx